Since I was young, my criticism has focused almost exclusively on me. I criticized myself daily. My abilities, my personality, and mostly my looks. But it wouldn’t stop there; I’d also criticize myself for criticizing myself. (Double whammy. It was bad.)
What changed me was the realization that all of those insecurities came from one source: my thoughts. And that the world of hurt I was living in could be transformed, simply by changing what I thought of myself each moment.
When a negative thought comes to mind, I acknowledge it and forgive myself for thinking it so I can let it go. Then I consciously work towards filling my mind with the uplifting truth that I am beautiful. Beautiful in the way I handle life, beautiful in the way I love others, and even beautiful on the outside.
And you know what? When I actively create thoughts that cause me to feel beautiful, everyone and everything in the world around me is lovely too.