Dearest and Most Majestic Cardiganista,
How, oh how did I ever live without your blog?! At last, I have found someone who not only understands but valuesmy delicious, soft creamy center! I have decided to namemy voluptuous core Aphrodite and accouter her as she deserves. Your blog is my inspiration and I’m feelin’ true bloggy love!
I’m headed to Nordstrom and Anthropologie to shower myform with affection!
Oh my goodness. You are amazing! You have me gasping and sighing out loud. Thank you ever so much for a wonderful experience! You are a miracle worker.
I love my look book. I just got it today, and I was so excited. The book is fabulous, and I love the summaries. I can’t wait to shop. haha You’re amazing. Thanks so much!
Thanks again for my awesome lookbook. I’ve used it a TON. In fact, I just ordered a new little number based on the hourglass criteria/colors you suggested for me and it looks lovely. I even blogged about it.
I had a complete blast with you yesterday. I find myself trying to figure out all the events I can wear my “new” cute outfits to! You are an adorable person and made me feel completely at ease. Thanks again, and I look forward to your ideas on items to complete my wardorobe!!
Kara Jayne
I received my look book and I love it! I took it shopping with me last week, and it helped save me from making a ton of fashion mistakes. I used to DREAD clothes shopping, but now I look forward to each trip!
Thanks again for everything you do! I’m so glad C Jane talked about you on her blog!
Thanks so much for helping me out with the bathing suit shopping. That’s the least painful it has ever been!
I wanted to tell you that, thanks to you, I have completely redone my wardrobe. I’ve been working on it a little bit at a time over the past couple of months, and now when I go into my closet I smile. I went through and cleaned out every place that I had clothes stashed or stored, and I gave away two huge bags to a local charity. Now I only have things I like, that I feel attractive in, and that look good on me hanging in my closet.
AND: my family has been going to the same place for Thanksgiving for maybe 12 or 15 years now. It’s a pretty posh place, and I have always felt awkward and self-conscious about what I was wearing. And I never knew what to wear.
But this year I was excited to get dressed because I had put together a really cute outfit. And it fit right. And I didn’t even have to think about what I was wearing the whole time. And when I looked around I saw other people wearing similar things, so I actually felt like I was in style for the first time ever.
So I just wanted to thank you!! What you do has been such a gift for me
I am very impressed! I received my look book and have to admit I got a little misty-eyed reading it.
Thank you so much. I love my lookbook! And I love the great advice. I even called and read some of it to my sister over the phone. And then I had my husband sit down and look at it with me when he got home.
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