Reachel, I read your blog and think, she gets it, real beauty. But then I see picture after picture of extremely immodest swimsuits and I am confused about where you stand. B
I do believe in modesty and appreciate your honesty. I try to select modest swimsuits that suit a variety of needs, but what may look modest on one person, may be completely inappropriate on another person.
I also believe that even swimsuits can be altered for additional modesty. Swim bandeaus can be layered underneath and swim shorts can be layered on top. I think it is each individual’s responsibility to find what fits their morals and standards.
In reality bathing suits are ALL immodest if immodesty means exposing your legs and shoulders and arms. I can wear a tankini, board shorts, a tank top and a bikini bottom and the ultimate result is some of my skin will show. Reachel gives plenty of options for various tastes. Im sorry but I am the one that is confused. I highly doubt she is promoting sporting a thong on South Beach. RELAX!!!!!
wow these suits are so cute! i think I counted at least 7 that I REALLY want! You have great taste!
Born To Be Styled
I read your blog and think, she gets it, real beauty. But then I see picture after picture of extremely immodest swimsuits and I am confused about where you stand.
B Robinson,
I do believe in modesty and appreciate your honesty. I try to select modest swimsuits that suit a variety of needs, but what may look modest on one person, may be completely inappropriate on another person.
I also believe that even swimsuits can be altered for additional modesty. Swim bandeaus can be layered underneath and swim shorts can be layered on top. I think it is each individual’s responsibility to find what fits their morals and standards.
Dear Ms B Robinson:
In reality bathing suits are ALL immodest if immodesty means exposing your legs and shoulders and arms.
I can wear a tankini, board shorts, a tank top and a bikini bottom and the ultimate result is some of my skin will show.
Reachel gives plenty of options for various tastes.
Im sorry but I am the one that is confused. I highly doubt she is promoting sporting a thong on South Beach.