Until I got pregnant in my mid twenties, I closely resembled a piece of asparagus (I can prove it here). That’s a lot of years to look like a lanky vegetable! But before we go any further, I will add that I never had a bad body image growing up. I never thought I was “too this” or “too that.” I may have had the one odd week where I tried to stuff my bra with shoulder pads until my mom caught me. But in 8th grade, sometimes you just get a little desperate when your vest hangs on you like an adolescent boy… Every once in a while the girls that worked at 5-7-9 (you know you shopped there, too) gave me a hard time for needing to buy a size zero. But when it came down to it, I didn’t agonize over my appearance.
• I am beautiful—even when I am tired, or cranky, or sick, or stressed. It is important to tell myself I am beautiful. Even if I don’t feel beautiful at that moment. That’s when I need to hear it most. And I need to hear it from myself.