Ignite the spotlight for middle figures. If your waist/hip and waist/bust ratio is greater than .75, absorb the glow of your moment. You’ve been hiding in the shadows ever since crop tops, belly piercings, and super low waisted jeans began colluding in 1992. You ignore your delicate wrists, shapely ankles, beautiful skin and it’s time you paraded them. There are no bad or better body types. Swallow before the words “I’m exercising my way to an hourglass” spill out your mouth. They have their own jar of pickles.
Now back to you, you and your soft delicious center. Your figure implies comfort with volume lying around your navel. You have the body type people want to cuddle. Especially tiny people, who most people call babies. Babies may have shaped your body into womanhood, and you should bear your wounds of motherhood with honor, not shame. Your waist is not a body flaw it is a body attribute, and below is a vision of your future, brimming with sauntering and pageant worthy hand gestures.
First remember, to never accessorize your fullest assets. This means avoiding drawing a line around your middle portion with belts and tucked in waistbands. Second, direct attention to your face. Employ the powers of an open or embellished neckline, jewelry, and exposed skin. Third, opt for monochromatic pieces or selections in similar color families, rather than creating a bold contrast between top and bottom. You want to create a seamless line all the way down your figure. Your master goal is to use well tailored clothes to provide structure for your soft figure. Below is an ensemble example.

Come back tomorrow for Lower Figured apparel.