Every person, yes even men, have all had some insecurities about their bodies. It almost seems human nature to compare ourselves to others, and then we have society heavily bombarding us with images and ideas of what we are supposed to look like. Besides being as healthy as we can be (which we all know we could eat less cupcakes) at the end of the day, you CAN’T change your body! The only thing you can do, is change your attitude, and that is what I love about Cardigan Empire and the message that Reachel is trying to send.
A lot of times women decide to focus on the things they do love about their bodies and not focus on the parts they don’t. Let me tell you, I have tried that, and I decided that I didn’t want to ignore it anymore… I wanted to just love ALL OF IT. For years I avoided clothing items that would extenuate my hips. I am the typical pear shape and no matter how much weight I loose, no matter how fit I am, my hips will always be dramatically wider then my waist. It is the way my BONES are shaped! You can’t change your bones ladies, you just can’t. So I did what good pears should do… you know, extenuate the waist, don’t bring attention to the parts of the body you don’t like. Well I agree it is good to dress for your body type, I found myself one day very sad. I decided I loved the trend of high waisted pants that have come back into fashion. However, these would indeed extenuate, even scream, LOOK AT MY HIPS! So of course this meant I couldn’t get them…. but guess what? I decided not to care anymore, and not let my body dictate the fashions I like and want to wear… and so I bought them. I even bought them online with out trying them on, so this was going to be a big surprise to see how they looked. Well guess what folks? I love them!