I’m a twenty-something year old who measure’s at a tiny 4feet and 8inches tall. Not only that, but I’ve got curves. It’s in my genes. It’s always been something I’ve struggled to deal with- being short is one thing, but I’m extremely short. Add the curves and you’ve got a body that’s “different”… not to mention hard to dress. Because of that, I’ve struggled with feeling overlooked, like something is keeping me from reaching my full potential. But why should that be? I’ve created these insecurities that only bring me down. “If I were taller I could have done this” “If I were skinnier he would have liked me more” “She can’t do as good of a job because she’s short” Over the years I’ve come (it’s a constant battle really) to accept who I am. These aren’t exactly things I can change. And yet, I wouldn’t want to. Because it’s my differences that make me- ME. My differences make me beautiful. There are times where I feel like these hold me back- but even more times where they make me stand out. I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish some of the things I have without being unique. There are people I’ve been able to help because I am different- like them. I wouldn’t change that for the world. Our differences can either bring us down and tear us apart, or they can lift us up and bring us together.
Celebrate your differences and love the differences in others! You are not alone. You were designed to be JUST the way you are. You are beautiful! You are unique. You are perfect. No one else is like you, and that is a wonderful thing.
Beauty-Full Tuesday: Gentri Lee
I love every precious inch of this girl. Read on and try not to adore Gentri Lee in all her darling glory, go on, you can try.
Feed me fashionably fresh
love this – thanks for sharing gentri! its so true – no one can ever be as good at being you as you can ๐
Gentri’s a beautiful person inside & out! Love reading her blog!
I loveee her!! And this post ๐ Everyone is different for a lovely reason
Lovely Little Rants
Love this. Love Gentri! And this is something I definitely always need to be reminded of!
LOVE that last picture! You are adorable Gentri, and this was an awesome post! ๐ Great job!
SO CUTE! Love her (:
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