Pretty doesn’t come in a tube and isn’t hanging on a department store rack somewhere. Those things might help you feel more confident, but they can only enhance the soul grown pretty that you can’t buy at a store. My Melly’s got a fortune of that kind of pretty. I’m glad she decided to share some with us.
Since bearing my first child at the age of 20, my body has gone through some rapid changes. The metabolism I so enjoyed in my teenage years slowed to an unrecognizable pace and the slim hips I used to balk at have widened substantially. It took me some time to cope with all these changes but once I decided I could embrace my new self, my life became much easier.
After a difficult pregnancy with my second child, my son, 4 years ago and dealing with post-partum depression, then ultimately losing him to SIDS at 5 weeks old, I was sure I’d never have another baby. But once I felt like I could maybe handle another little one, I decided I was going to do as much as I could to prepare myself and my body to be in the best possible condition before becoming pregnant. So I began exercising regularly and continuing to while pregnant, and I’ve never felt better in my life.
Simplicity is the key in my life. I have depression and bi-polar disorder so there are quite a few things going on in my head during the day. As far as fashion goes, I’m truly a minimalist. As my main job is at home, I take full advantage of that and usually don loungewear. Make-up is not applied regularly around here. I have 2 pairs of shorts, one pair of jeans, and probably 8 shirts that are always in rotation. I don’t usually wear accessories that are fashionable, only ones that are meaningful, like a ring on a necklace representing my son, or a pair of earrings my husband gave me. I do not claim to know anything about fashion or beauty, but I do know a thing or two about comfort and I’ve been rockin that style for years now. However, I’m grateful to those fashion experts who take the time to explain to people with pear shaped bodies what clothes flatter them the most. It’s helped a lot during my stressful shopping trips.
With my expanding waistline, dressing has become more difficult but it’s so easy nowadays to find cute maternity clothes at great prices, I really have nothing to complain about. I feel good about myself and when I feel healthy, I feel happy. I’m looking forward to seeing how exercise affects my post-partum depression as I’ve heard it helps in that area. For now, I’m just trying to enjoy every second of this journey and embrace my growing belly.
Feed me fashionably fresh
Wow. Beautifully said. It is wonderful to find happiness in health and healing in it as well. Thank you for sharing such intimate thoughts and feelings.