The second step of R.A.I.N is to allow your emotions: Okay, I’m irritated, annoyed. Don’t try to change, control, judge…Just pause and allow.
The third step in R.A.I.N is to Investigate your inner experience with Intimate attention: Tightness in chest, heat in back, clenching jaw, jumping out of skin…Dig deeper…Can you put an emotion to it?…Anger, sadness, alone…The second I is getting intimate with it. Can you snuggle up to the anger, sadness, truly allow yourself to experience it? For me, I learned as I sat with the sadness and anger of being a perfectionist, underlying was a feeling of unworthiness.
As we do this, we begin to experience the N in R.A.I.N. Non-identification. We start to see that we are not our emotions, beliefs or thoughts. They are impermanent. They come and go.