Child bearing hasn’t been in vogue for decades, particularly not the trail fertility treads along the figure. But now it seems that even pubescence and maturation is under attack. It starts early, but as mothers, wives, and homemakers we are the most powerful consumer in the marketplace. We are the most influential figure in the home. We are the most properly equipped individuals to stop body loathing within ourselves and in the next generation.
If the Love your Body Challenge resonated with you, crystalize your transformation with this presentation? All women and daughters over the age of twelve are invited. This same symposium actually inspired my Reality Revised series.
Should you be in the area, please join me.
As a mother of young daughters, it saddens me that you would give any bandwith to the Cadeaux photo shoot on your blog. I researched the picture because I found it so disturbing that a young girl would be posed in such a way and saw the other photos online. I feel it exploits children and wish you would remove it.
I posted it as a caution of what to avoid rather than an image of celebration. I understand your concern and actually echo it.