I told my husband that my tummy looks like I am pregnant and he replied that is because I always am. I have had 8 children in 11 years and need help with the tummy during swimsuit time. Please help.
Dear Angel to Eight,
A confident swim season shares some of the same strategies as parenting a toddler. It’s all about boundaries and distraction. When your tummy wants to take center stage, opt for a strong center panel or high waisted bottom and some type of embellishment be it a pattern, a ruffle, or ruching.
Swimwear for Soft Tummies
Ruffles, ruching, blousing, shirring, and swing. All these elements can help a soft, delicious center feel confident poolside.
Feed me fashionably fresh
THANK YOU for filling me in on the best way to keep my tummy from being the focal point of my swimsuit. I am going to take your advice. I have been searching for a swimsuit like crazy and still am at a lost. Not anymore….THANK YOU!
8 kids in 11 years?! Wow, that is seriously impressive. I haven’t had any kids and I love the ruching styles. 🙂