Since several daylights have dawned on Two Thousand and Eleven, Cardigan Empire is past due to delver its immediate plans for the freshy new year:
- Snuggle my son and dote on my daughter
- Research and purchase a tiny troop of nursing bras
- Transition my naturally lower-figured closet, from its pregnancy middle-figured status, to a nursing upper-figured function.
- Find friends of fashion for camaraderie and inspiration
- Remodel the Empire so previous topics and articles are ready-er to reference
In consequence, I shall be taking a short sabbatical. If you would like to be alerted upon my return, please sign up below. Your welcome back e-mail will include a code for a discount on your fashion service of choice.
In the mean time, comment me with your
favorite fashion blogs,
future topics of interest,
suggestions for improving the Empire’s aesthetic,
or any other mini-messages.
Feed me fashionably fresh
I had a son 6 weeks ago and named him Levi too! I can’t wait for some “upper-figure” help! I was a middle figure and now I can’t figure out what to wear that is not cleavage central AND easy for nursing.
Congrats on your little Levi!
Congrats on the man-cub! I wanted to name our first son Levi but the Hub had a poor association with it. *Sigh* Never to be in our family, I guess.
Enjoy your new bundle and sleep when he sleeps! I’ll wait patiently for your return.
Bravado Body Silk Seamless bras. Buy 4. You will love them – I promise. And for nursing? Ease of access should be your highest priority – you don’t want to be undoing zippers and fighting with layers in order to nurse a hungry babe. Also, I suggest wrap tops and tops with stretch in them so you can pull down from the top to nurse. So much easier than trying to pull up from the bottom and move all that fabric away from baby’s face so you can see what you’re doing :).
I’d love your recommendations for nursing bras.
2 of my all time favorites:
just really fun and doable and unexpected and reasonably priced fashion blogs!
Good luck with your goals! Im sure you will meet them all 🙂
Hi Reachel,
Congratualtions! I hope you are all snuggled in and enjoying everyone second of your sweet little ones.
It may be entirely possible that I haven’t gone back far enough in your archives, but I would love to see some info/help for a stay-at-home mother emerging from “frumpdom” as I like to call it…I worked in the professional world all my life until starting my family at age 31…kept working but became a full-time stay at home mom with my second 4.5 years ago. Enter the ratty jeans and t-shirts, going months in-between trips to the salon, etc. I’m finally getting a grip on that but am still having a hard time knowing how to be fashionable as it pertains to my lifestyle (busy stay at home mom). Would love some practical articles about this….thanks!
Would love to see more of you and your cherubs in fashion posts. Or even Andrew for that matter. I look forward to another year following Cardigan Empire!
Reach!! im so excited to meet little Levi.
and im glad to hear that you get to take a sabbatical!! i too have taken a sabbatical from blogging –ha ha .
when it comes to nursing bras—i had to go heavy duty , but i loved them– i got the bravado supreme. its costly, but worth the investment. –also it has the power to minimize so you can fit into some of your old tops.
good luck! :)xoxox