Certain sisters find being compared to a fruit demeaning. Divulging a fear of being conceived as an object to be consumed. I just want to say straight out, “I do not endorse cannibalism.” Personally as a vegetarian, I refrain from eating birds, reptiles, and mammals (that includes humans). I choose to use the metaphor of fruit for body shape because I desire all to enjoy the unique flavor of their shape.
Take the Upper Figured woman with a bust/waist ratio greater than 1.25 and a waist/hip quotient greater than .75. Your figure implies strength and stamina with a ripe, robust topper above and slim, slender supports below. If you were to gain 5 lbs, 2 of them would go to the girl on the right, 2 to the girl on the left, and the remaining pound would settle in your back.
We may have heard you complaining of the burden of your bosom. Buttons and button holes seem to be laced with reverse magnets and the fabric pull across your back and shoulders may make you feel not only angry, but hulk angry.
Calm yourself Dr. Banner, and exploit the super powers of your body shape. You can accomplish fashion feats that no other body shape can, ie wearing a top that extends past the hip. While most of us look like we have a plump puppy struggling to be released from behind a long cardigan, your coat hanger shoulders and slim hips allow for the fabric to glide elegantly and effortlessly from upper to lower sectors. And because you have legline to spare you can accessorize your ankles with boots, straps and footless leggings.
To keep your shape under control, avoid amplifying what is already evident. Nothing about your top half is shy. Keep their language clean, understated, and enunciated. Avoid applying large prints, bright colors, and fussy details over your perfectly fitting bra.(If you haven’t gotten a fitting in the last two years, you do not have a perfectly fitting bra. Make remedies post haste.) Next apply bold colors, big patterns, and special particulars on your lower figure. Avoid overly skinny, straight styles. You are not a precariously positioned ice cream scoop on a cone. Use a bootcut, full skirt, or other appropriate volume on your lower half to imitate the hourglass. Your master goal is to support and control your voluptuous top half while building curves around your dainty bottom half. Your goal is balanced, fashion zen. Follow the illustrated outffiting below.
The powerful hue of the AG Angel Cords wrestles the visual focus down. The bootcut flare highlights your slim thighs without creating the figure fiasco of tremendously heavy top balanced on a comparatively frail, tiny bottom. And speaking of bottom, the strategically placed smaller pockets on the seat will round your flatter vistas.Get those gams out there with the Steve Madden Elivate Ankle Boot. Its high skinny heel is the perfect end to your delicate get away wheels.
Procure your own empire constitution. Your personalized
fashion look book includes your own upper figure rules of conduct and much more.Dry your tears or under your arms as appropriate. We have a solution to your diminishing holiday shopping hours. Return with haste for a holiday edition mix and match.
That’s me, at least right now. Now I see why the tops are size large and the bottoms size small. I LIKE the fruit comparisons, Reachel. They do just as you said, make me think of the figure as something delicious, beautiful, and full of health!
OK. I love the fruit comparison as well. Because, who doesn’t like fruit?
Ok I qualify for both pear and strawberry… I feel more strawberry button busting though 🙂
Nani- If your measurements qualify for both lower and upper figured, I would consider looking into the hourglass body type.
I qualify for both pear and strawberry as well, but I consider myself more of a pear. Is it possible to be a pear-shaped hourglass?
I discovered boot cuts a few years back when a similarly-shaped friend recommended them (over my objections that tapered pants were best-ugh!). I’ve never looked back since.
I love the sweater, and will start looking for lantern sleeves. How cool are those?!
But most of all, I really like the fact that someone has finally addressed my body shape’s fashion needs. Believe me, I’ve been looking for a long time to find something like this! Keep up the great work, and thanks!
We’re discussing this very post of yours, over here. Thought I’d let you know in case your ears failed to burn hot enough. Love your work. x
i just want the cute strawberry button on my blog! love strawberries. and i love women feeling fab about their shapes. win win!! thank for posting:)