Arizona summers are persistent. An afternoon of hopefully cool breezes will be followed by a triple-digit dawn. But whether the weather cooperates or not, I intend to welcome fall and its intended fashion companions: cozy sweaters, tweed trousers, leather boots.
And speaking of persistent annoyances, although I love the warm spicy color palette of Autumn, I intend to remove it from my smile. I plan to part with my dental discoloration. If this is something that you are considering doing too, it may be within you best interest to click here to learn more, especially if you are thinking about getting it done professionally. A toddling run-in with the vacuum cleaner left my right canine cuspid a darker shade than the rest of my smile. Too young for tact children have occasionally asked why my tooth is old and dirty. Personally I affectionately call it my hobo tooth. If this is something that you can relate to in some way, booking a dental checkup at clinics such as Main Street Dental (or one closer to where you live) would allow you to speak to professional dentists, who would be able to advise you on the best treatments that can help you get the smile you have always wanted. With something like this, there is pretty much a solution out there for us all. Plus, visiting the dentist regularly regardless is very important for your oral hygiene. If this is something that you have been putting off for a while, knowing that dentists at clinics such as Gary Cash DDS have your best interests at heart could be the push you need in order to book a dental checkup.
Not that I oppose storytelling details or the graceful aging or our bodies, but I feel a pristine smile will still leave me with more than adequate visual character development.
I therefore declare today the initiation of my teeth sparkling exercise, and I am fully armed with the Crest kit purchased at my local Costco (it currently includes a $10 instant rebate).
The 3DWhite full bodied line includes:
- Crest and Oral-B 3D White regimen includes the Crest 3D White Pro Effects Whitestrips ($50 for 20 doses)
- Crest 3D White Vivid Toothpaste ($3.25 – $.4.25)
- Crest 3D White MultiCare Whitening Rinse ($5.89 & $7.29)
- Oral-B Pulsar 3D White Advanced Vivid Toothbrush
- Oral-B Advantage 3D White Vivid Toothbrush ($3.49 & $6.99)
The Crest 3D White Pro Effects folks claim that combining whitestrips with the rest of the 3D White collection will result in a whiter smile in 1 DAY!
Feed me fashionably fresh
Yes, please do let us know how you like it. I’ve been thinking lately of wanting to whiten my smile. I tell my children, who don’t want to brush their teeth, that someday they will care about a sparkly white smile.
Eager to hear how it works! Be careful, though – I have a tooth that got knocked and was darker and whiteners didn’t change it. They only made the other teeth whiter! A new root canal filling fixed everything.
Good luck! Nothing more fun then a new white smile. My OB did tell me that there was to be no OTC tooth whitening during pregnancy though, (much to my disappointment) so maybe check with yours? I thought it was probably a bit over the top of the OB but y’know…I thought I’d be THAT commenter 😉
Lindsay and Kristy,
Thanks for the heads up. And Kristy I will definitely check with my OB. I hadn’t even thought of that.
And I certainly don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but if your tooth was darkened from an injury (which it sounds like it was) it sounds like the nerve died which caused the tooth discoloration. Unfortunately, external tooth whitening won’t change that. If you really want it fixed, I’d find a reputable cosmetic dentist…you may need to go the route of a crown or veneer.
Nicole, you were actually spot on. Whitening was actually a good thing to do before the procedure because then we were able to match the new tooth to my whitest shade, but it did have to a part of the tooth remade.