Cinderella Hourglass, may I please request leave to sleeve your well-turned calves in sumptuous leather? For there are few pretties I like better on a curvy figure than: Knee High Boots.
Like your figure, knee high boots are magic. The boot hides the flesh of the leg, but it retains the shape and length of the shin. For full enchantment, ensure that the boot ne’er considers seceding until it reaches the break of the knee. This will ensure that you’re not creating an unnecessary fissure in your figure length.
Frye’s are slightly more sophisticated, but Miz Mooz makes a much more affordable option should you desire it.
1 hundred 98 cents = your own hourglass fashion look book cheat sheet.
Procure your own empire constitution. Your personalized fashion look book includes your own hourglass figure rules of conduct and much more.
Feed me fashionably fresh
I love that photo! and you know I love the riding boots. I’ll have to start saving my pennies. or i could wear the ones I used to wear to riding lessons- that would be interesting.
So I’m not an hour glass. I’m more of a middle figure. Does that mean I should avoid boots?
Reachel, I have a question. I’m saving up to buy a really good pair of boots, probably Frye, and I’m wondering what you think is the most versatile boot color? Brown, black, dark red? At this point I’d only be able to buy one, so I want to make sure to get plenty of mileage from that pair. TIA for the advice!
P.S. I’m a linear figure, but I’m assuming that doesn’t preclude me from boots …?
Being linear certainly doesn’t preclude you from the loveliness of boots. The color of the boots depends on how you will wear them. If you’re considering Frye boots, I assume your considering a more casual boot. For casual boots, I would recommend brown. As a neutral, brown blends beautifully with warm fall colors and rich winter hues. However, if you’d like to wear your boots more formally, I would recommend black because at a high sheen it transitions to evening so effortlessly. The final, and equally important item to consider is the color palette of your existing wardrobe. For example, if you’re a summer and wear pastels heavily, you may want to consider a gray boot. But back to a short answer, I’d recommend brown. 🙂