First, w
hile each of Michelle’s inauguration designers was American, two were immigrants, and one was a first generation son of immigrants. All of the designers were small, independent shops. Whatever they lacked in common notoriety; they made up for in uncommon vision. Obamamerica is still an opportunistic melting pot, ready to bless internationally grown talent and industry.Second, Lady Obama’s choice of a
26 year old fashion prodigy for her inaugural ball gown, the zenith of political fashion, speaks to the first couple’s faith in American youth. The 18-30 year old demographic not only hosted the hottest of the ten inaugural balls, but had shown up in droves to elect her husband.Third, inaugural fashion is always hopeful, but the modern elegance of Michelle’s sunny yellow brocade prophesied of brighter days to come. The innocent romance of her floor length, ivory gown nodded to the blank slate the Obamas hope to lead American into over the next four years.
Real life starts tomorrow, but for now, see if you can s
croll this post fast enough to see Barack & Michelle waltzing to Beyonce’s “At Last.”