“A woman has the age she deserves.” Coco Chanel
As of this morning, we have consumed 33.9% of year 2009. And as we submerse ourselves in the warm breezes of May, incongruous clothing needs arise: tweed is exchanged for broadcloth, wool for chiffon.
Allow me to compare this calendrical process to our own corporeal aging, for each comes with its own wardrobe.
While it may be adorably appropriate to wear suspenders and shorts in our ingenue youth it becomes ridiculous if not vulgar to wear the same combination in the youth of old age.
As in many other aspects of our existence, in fashion, youth does not trump maturity. Making such a claim would be like contending that spring break surpasses winter holiday. They are so incongruous they are incomparable.
So this week we explore making the most of each age we encounter, sucking the style marrow out of each opportunity.
Ciao my charmings, we begin the feast tomorrow.