Color can help you look younger, better rested, more powerful, and overall more attractive? The trick is identifying the unique colors in your complexion and wearing colors that mirror (ie wearing a top in the same coral tone as your cheeks) or contrast (ie wearing red lipstick to bring out the green in your eyes) them.
If you’re new to the color scene, here is an easy place to start. Ask yourself, do I prefer to wear navy and grey or brown and khaki. We usually gravitate to hues that are cohesive with our overall coloring, even if we don’t feel completely confident in every color selection. This initial color choice identifies whether you prefer warm or cool hues (see more details below), then depending on the depth or value of your complexion, you can start looking at possible color categories.
I’ve also found the pattern in your eyes to be a helpful clue in uncovering your best and worst colors. Cool & Brilliant, Winter eyes tends to have symmetrical patterns with spokes radiating from the pupil, the iris is then ringed with a strong border, clearly separating the whites of the eye. The division between iris and white in a Cool & Delicate, Summer eye is much more subtle. Their pattern is commonly like crackled glass. Warm & Rich, Autumn eyes have an irregular pattern with swirls embracing the pupil and freckles spotting the iris. Finally, Warm & Fresh, Spring eyes show a sunburst of color, commonly with a golden ring surrounding the pupil.
In the beginning, color analysis only offered four color categories, obviously insufficient for the diversity in the general population. Over time, the system added neutral blended seasons for a total of twelve options: Deep Winter / Cool Winter / Cool Summer / Light Summer / Soft Summer / Soft Autumn / Deep Autumn / Warm Autumn / Warm Spring / Light Spring / Clear Spring.
Here are a few examples of social influencers and there color categories.
Deep Winter: Rachel Parcell, Pink Peonies
Cool Winter/Summer: Marianne Verilli, The M.A. Times
Light Summer: Becki Crosby, Whippy Cake
Soft Summer/Autumn: Julia Hengel, Gal Meets Glam
Deep Autumn: Cori Robinson, DressCorilynn
Warm Autumn/Spring: Emily Meyers, The Freckled Fox
Light Spring: Brooke White, The Girls with Glasses
Clear Winter/Spring: Hilary Rushford, Dean Street Society
Each complexion is still unique but the categories offer a starting point so you don’t have to uncover every color from scratch. In the end you should know your color components (Hue, Value, and Chroma) whether you should opt for warm or cool, Clear or Soft, and Deep or Light.
Hue refers to the name of the color family (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet). Red, orange, and yellow and their combinations on the left of the color wheel are warm. On the right of the color wheel are the cool hues: blue, green, and violet.
Value refers to the relative degree of lightness or darkness/deepness of a hue. White is positioned at the top of the value scale (high value), gray in the middle (mid-value), and black at the bottom (low value).
Chroma refers to the purity of a color. The purest chromas are the primary colors: red, yellow and blue. Soft chromas are diluted by the presence of another color. Weak or soft chromas appear muted and dull. Pure chromas appear vivid and intense.
What do you think your color category is? Tell me in the comments below.
Warm & Rich (aka Autumn)
Cool & Brilliant (aka Winter)
Warm & Fresh (aka Spring)
Cool & Delicate (aka Summer)
Still want some help identifying your best and worst colors, purchase a virtual color consultation below:
Hi Raechel,
I believe I am either deep autumn or deep winter. According to this model and me putting a pic as if I am in these colours, most of the deep autumn colours suit me and some of the brilliant suit.
Where can I get these swatches?
Hi Mariah,
I don’t offer swatches, but I do offer virtual color analyses where I can tell you your season. There is a link to purchase at the bottom of this post if you are interested.
That’s a pity because your colours are so much more comprehensive than a swatch of 60 colours. It’s far simpler to organise a wardrobe around a few colours.
Do you do soft winter, soft autumn etc., in your colour anaylsis?
I love this! Except I have no idea which one I am. I can’t even tell if I’m warm or cool. I am seriously considering giving myself this consultation for an…Easter present?? 🙂
Easter, Mother’s Day, St. Patricks Day, use whatever excuse you need. I would love to analyze you 😉
Warm & Fresh describes my iris color structure perfectly, but I’m a natural blonde who looks better in navy and grey than in khaki and brown (and I think I look bad in pastels– I gravitate to rich colors). Is it possible to be Warm & Fresh and Cool & Brilliant?
Clear Spring is right in between Spring (Warm & Fresh) and Winter (Cool & Brilliant). That might suit you. I’d be happy to help you if you’re interested in purchasing a color analysis. The link to purchase is at the bottom of the post above the comments.
Is it possible to be a clear spring/soft autumn/soft summer at the same time? I seem to be a mix of these 3 categories. Mousy brown hair with gold and red in it, olive green grey eyes with a light hazel centre, peachy skin that blushes easy. Your advice is most appreciated.
Hi Jo, I would lean towards Soft Autumn with that combination of features. If you’d like, I’d be happy to help you with a color analysis. You can purchase one at the bottom of this post above the comments.
Hi Reachel, can you help me a little bit, please? I’m quite a confusing type as my skin is warm and hair is golden (similar to this pic:, but what makes me being called ‘weird blonde’ is my dark brown eyes. Am I sort of a mischievous spring or a not typical light blond autumn?
I would actually look at Soft Autumn. I don’t use a system that includes a Mischievous Spring, but I have heard of it before. If you’re interested in a personal color analysis, I’d be happy to help you. There’s a link to purchase at the bottom of the post above the comments.
Hi, is it possible to be a be summer and winter? I have hair that can be either blond or brown depending on who you ask. And my skin registers as pale gray on color grab apps but i have a cool undertone and my skin is super pale. My face is reddish though…
I was thinking my coloring was muted cool deep soft summer, is that possible?
Given your description, I would lean towards a Cool Summer. But I’d be happy to help you distinguish your color category definitively. If you’re interested there’s a link to purchase at the bottom of the post above the comments.
What does the $15 virtual consultation entail? 🙂
Hi Whitney,
Here’s how a virtual color analysis goes. It starts with an online survey and digital pictures which you send me. From there I analyze these details and respond by e-mail with your color category. If you’re still interested, there’s a link to purchase at the bottom of this post above the comments.
Dear Reachel,
following your charts, I would be warm and rich, I guess a Deep Autumn. But if I follow the eye chart, then I would fall into the category of cool and brilliant, meaning Deep Winter?
. What do you think is the more important factor to consider? 🙂
Thank you and best regards,
The most important aspect to consider it your skin. I put this consideration above both hair and eye color. If your skin looks best in Warm & Rich, I would experiment with those colors rather than the Deep Winter colors.
I always get told I’m a fall, but I really don’t like most of the fall colors! In the past, when I built a wardrobe around fall colors, I didn’t like most of my clothes and I didn’t like wearing them. (I hate wearing dark brown and any version of brown/tan/taupe.) Any advice for someone who knows their season, but honestly doesn’t like the colors?
Are you sure you’re not Warm Spring? If your color analysis goes again your personal experience, you should get another opinion on your color analysis. I believe your color analysis should confirm your experience not go against it. If you’re interested in getting another color analysis, I’d be happy to help you.
What type of questions does your analysis ask? For example, does it ask which colors I would look better in? If so and I can’t tell, how can the analysis make the decision?
hi Reachel! i’m a bit confused as to which season and sub season i am. i have dirty blond hair that has a bit of golden undertones, and brown eyes with a darker brown rim on the outside. i have rosy skin and my cheeks are always pinkish. my veins, in natural sunlight, look blue-green. i look amazing in black, but i don’t think i’m a total winter? i’m confused…
Hi Reachel!
I’ve always been one to wear “blend in” types of colors; on my body and my face, but recently, I’ve been receiving way more compliments when I wear saturated colors! THEN I came across this color analysis thing, and thought I might try to categorize myself!
Naturally, I have medium to dark brown hair (it’s currently blonde), light blue eyes with a lighter “spoke” pattern and definitive ring around the iris, and my skin, though I live in Texas and can be a bit “tan”, is still relatively fair and has a cool tone.
It really sounds to me like I’m a “Clear Winter”…do you get anything different?
Hi ! I really think I am deep autumn but not sure. Also I become so pale in winter I feel I become “cooler” on my complexion. I’m afraid the digital consultation won’t do me justice if the photos I provide have bad lightning etc… That can wrong your analysis 🙁
I am deep winter but color my hair platinum blonde. Would I be delicate?
I came to this to understand color better but im black and don’t really know how to use the schemes that are up on here.
You mention that the 4 were expanded to 12, but then I think only 11 are listed. Am I missing something? It seems there are three of each except only two winters. I think I might be whatever is missing lol…
Hi Reachel,
I have been trying to figure out my season for so long with very mixed results.
I have dark blonde/light brown warm, muted hair, neutral, muted, lightly tanned skin, but cool, delicate, blue-gray eyes with a warm sunburst from the centre.
I feel I’m a mix between spring summer and autumn, but surely must lean more one way?! I’ve always bought blacks and grays (while I had darker dyed hair), but now I am back to my natural hair colour I fear I might suit browns better! Most of my old wardrobe is black!
Any tips would be hugely appreciated to this very confused lady trying to rebuild her wardrobe!
Hi Rachel, I’ve a fair skin with hazel eyes and med-brown hair with blond highlights.I have freckles. I burned first and get tanned in summer time. I have some kind of Color grab app. They describe that my skin is light grayish orange, my eyes are grayish brown inside and grayish green outside with sunburst pattern and golden rings and my hair is dark grayish brown. I’m really confuse which season is mine.
Hi Reachel,
I am interested in the virtual color consultation. But before I submit payment, I was wondering if you are still doing these? Also, how does it work/what is the process?
Hi Holly,
I do still offer virtual color consultations, and I’d be delighted to help you. Following the purchase, you will be directed to an online survey that will gather basic details on your complexion as well as a headshot. I will use this information to respond with a color categorization via e-mail.
I’m interested in a color consultation but am not sure if you are still offering this service- wanted to check before submitting payment
Thank you!
Yes, I am still offering this service, and I’d be happy to help you.
Hello Rachel, virtual color consultation sounds so great However, i was wondering if you still doing this consultation (i saw few comments and you mention you still doing this- however there is no information about the date for the comments so im confused) ?
Hi Seok,
As of April 2020 I am definitely still offering color consultations and have no intention of stopping. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any other questions. 🙂
Are you still offering virtual color consultations? I couldn’t tell how old this post was
Hi Jennifer,
Yes, I am still offering virtual color consultations. I would love to help you if you are interested. Let me know if you have any additional questions.
How long does it take to receive results? I purchased on May 14th
Hi Crystal,
It generally takes about a week for me to respond with your color analysis after you submit your survey response. I actually just sent yours over this morning. Thanks for working with me.
Hi, I bought a colour consultation – I am just wondering when I should expect results? I paid on Friday,
Hi Catherine,
It generally takes about a week for me to respond with your color analysis after you submit your survey response. I am the only human behind Cardigan Empire, so I review each individuals coloring personally (in addition to answering e-mails, writing content, and managing the business). I really appreciate your patience. I believe yours was sent out on the 16th. Thanks for working with me.
Hello I recently paid online for color analysis and have yet to hear any confirmation. It has been 5 days, thank you for any updates, Alyssa
Hi Alyssa,
It generally takes about a week for me to respond with your color analysis after you submit your survey response. I actually just sent yours over yesterday. Thanks for working with me.
Hello! I’d like to do the color analysis for my 17 year old son. Would it work for that age? If so, please let me know which pictures, etc. and tell me what to do. Thank you!!
Hi Paige,
I absolutely offer color analysis for men (and teens). To proceed, you would just purchase a standard color analysis and then have your son fill it out, or you can fill it out on behalf of your son. All the instructions and details are included in the survey. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any additional questions.
Hello Rachel, Thank you for your great web site, which I enjoyed a lot. I am still very confused and interested in getting color analysis in person. I live in Phoenix, Arizona.
I rather get precise evaluation rather than going through surveys and pictures. Is this possible and what is going to be the charge? I can also travel to Utah. Thank you for your time. Kim
Hi Kim,
I will actually be traveling to Arizona for the holidays, if you want to e-mail me at reachel at cardiganempire dot com, I can give you more details.