This St. Patrick’s Day, little Irish trespassers left my children Belgian chocolate. So it was only fitting that I got German Persil to counteract the mischievous effects. Persil used to be available exclusively in overseas locations, but now it’s available domestically at Wal-Mart.
Now let me start by airing a little dirty laundry. Before Andrew and I had children contributing to our dirty laundry baskets, we didn’t really pay much attention to laundry detergent. I’d buy the cheapest. I even made my own. Our clothes were hardly ever dirty to be honest, possibly smelly, usually in need of freshening, but rarely “dirty”.
But starting in 2010, laundry detergent became a priority. One leaky baby became three (soon to be four) and when they weren’t soiling their own clothes they were spreading films on ours. Parents are human tissues, towels, or napkins depending on the situation.
I believe in the value of well-made clothing, and I wanted a quality detergent to keep them stain free. After referencing Consumer Reports, I formed my brand loyalty and haven’t looked back since.
Until the Germans made a move for my washer drum. Having heard rumors of the deutschland-born detergent’s competitive cleaning powers, I measured the ProClean Power Liquid into my washer’s dispenser. (Quick PSA – never overdose your washer on laundry detergent, especially premium laundry detergent. If you use to much, you actually risk damaging your clothes or at least wearing them out more quickly.)
Back to the review, I judge a detergent by its ability to remove surprise stains. The stains you didn’t know about when you start the wash and only discover when they’ve been heat-set by the dryer, and you are left folding a top which will forever wear a spaghetti stain scar. There were no surprises when I pulled those fresh, bright, fluffy tiny clothes out of the dryer drum. I know it removed popsicle, balsamic vinegar, and chocolate, and I guarantee it washed away several stains that I’ll never have the pleasure to meet.
Next up was whites. I wear white under my clothes every day, and it tends to acquire tinges of green, yellow and every other color but white with every wash. I experimented with the ProClean Power Pearls with Pro-White technology, and was nothing less than delighted. It renewed my dingy underpants to their former splendor without stiffening the fabric.
The Proclean Powertabs were also very effective, however, I prefer the liquid laundry detergent because I can use slightly less detergent or slightly more detergent depending on the size of my filth. What I love about them is that they are designed to dissolve in any water temperature, so you can use cool water in the wash cycle.
Between Persil experiments, I actually did a batch of darks with my regular detergent (I’ll give you a hint it starts with a “T” and ends with an “ide”). I didn’t notice any stains, but it didn’t smell as fresh as my Persil loads. And speaking of scents, I like the scent, but it may be too strong for some. If you are sensitive to smells or detergents in general on your skin, I would try the Sensitive Skin formula.
In all, I was very impressed with the Persil ProClean line. I tried their whole line, and had nothing but sparkling experiences.
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Premium night on town includes a $300 gift card, $200 gift card, and a $150 card credit. A second place winner will also receive a year supply of Persil®. Click here to enter: (Sweepstakes ends 4/12/15.)
I LOVE Persil. I wanted something sensitive, but with a scent. I can use the Sensitive Skin, and it has a light scent that is dermatologist tested. My baby can use it safely with no rashes, and the scent is light and fresh. I completely love it and won’t use anything else.