A Pet-Shop Owner Specializing in Interior Design, the answer I would have offered at age 5, had you queried what I’d be doing at age …. present.
An Astronomy Professing Psychiatrist, a strong career candidate during my undergraduate collegiate career.
A Brand Manager dabbling in Technology Management Consulting, the most likely focus of my 9 to 5ish life.
And in the reality of now, I am a happy full time mother offering classes in wardrobe strategy and fashion consulting for figures across the globe.
If you care to peek into the details of my path, feel free to link to my article in Marriott Magazine.
Feed me fashionably fresh
Great article, Reachel- it was fun to learn the background behind the genius!
haha what’s amazing is that I just read that article in the Marriott magazine during my lunch break and didn’t realize at first that it was about you, from this blog…small world for me today. Great article!
Please introduce your littlest beloved!
Did I walk over to the Tanner Building tonight just to grab a copy? Absolutely. Beautiful article.
I was flipping through my alumni magazine today and loved your article (which prompted my visit to your site). I feel very connected (BYU undergrad, U of U MBA, blogger, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get into the design industry for my entire life). Also, motherhood is my ultimate goal, and it’s nice to hear of other MBAs who value that as well. Your story was inspiring to me–thank you!
It was very fun to read the article about you in the alumni magazine. I kept thinking, ‘I think I met her.’ The class of 2006 threw me off because I remember you started in 2003. I was in the class of 2004.
Your blog is such a delight! My only question is: when do you find time to shower?
–Lizzy Lyde Smith
*peek, not peak. just a small correction.
Thank you my anonymous friend 🙂