10) Her headquartered hometown is Philadelphia
9) Momma company is Urban Outfitters
7) Born 1992 in Wayne Town Pennsylvania
6) That first store sold men’s and women’s clothing
5) Their clothes and styles are geared toward mature, sophisticated demographic (35 +)
4) She is feminine, down country, well traveled, educated
3) Each section of apparel is built around a personality, with its own name and story
2) The housewares are laid out like a home, the more social living room is up front while the more intimate apothecary bathroom and bedroom are towards the back.
1) After seven years of working for Anthropolgie, I’ve retired as a personal shopper
This last number is richly nostalgic and slightly melancholy.
I remember when Anthropologie and I locked eyes in Newport Beach California, July of 2000. Tears were cornering in my eyes, I loved her at first sight. Together we identified an ochre gold cowgirl shirt with snap buttons and piped brick-red trim. I still have our shirt; I wear it at the cabin, and I sit close to the fire so it will smell like roasted tree logs.
Pologie and I entered a serious relationship when I accepted a position at the Kierland store in March of 2004. The forty-five minute commute to work provided proper anticipation. Every shift greeted me with the smell of the Capri Blue Volcano candle and sound of the First Lady of France (back when she was just a French pop star).
I’m going to miss the smart, interesting employees, the sweet customers (even the crazy ones), folding the pretty clothes, and the discount.
But I simply adore my new role as home making executive/directorial secretary of CoVi Industries (a vertical conglormerate corporation providing living essentials for Co-Partners Coco Noelle Bagley & Levi Sims Bagley).
And it frees up some of my time for other ventures. Like speaking at conferences (HT!H and R&R), professorial teaching (my Wardrobe Strategies class starts this evening), editorial writing, and musing here with you.
And I still get to date my Anthropologie, who knows maybe we’ll find a new cowgirl blouse together.
What occupation floats in a frothy pink bubble above your head (or what is your dream job)?
Feed me fashionably fresh
i work for anthro and i think my dream job would be personal shopper for my store. i get to every now & then when our PS is out of town or on vacay and I LOVE it. I’d love to also be able to have them bring in their wardrobes and style outfits for them. 🙂
When I was the Commando for SWA. That was a great job. Miss it but would not have survived the commute to Phoenix or been able to go to Indonesia after the Tsunami. Therefore it is a fond memory but I still try to color outside the lines.
So fun. Glad you have some new things to keep you excited, like college teaching–so professional of you! ~Marily
So jealous! I loooove Anthropologie but only venture in there once a year and commit myself to the sale room.
I work at a consignment store right now and love it but my dream job would be a personal shopper or wardrobe editor!
Love these pictures you shared and learned a couple new things about Anthro!
I’m sure you will be missed, you were an amazing personal shopper!
I really liked this post. I liked learning things about that store I didn’t know, but also hearing how much love and respect you have for that company and the job you had. It’s always hard to leave a job you loved so but so exciting to move on to new adventures.
Will you still do your virtual online personal styling/shopping for other people? I just started a new job (my first), and I was thinking it might be fun to smarten up my wardrobe by getting a lookbook. (Though it will take me a few months to save up for new clothes. I was unemployed for a while). Anyway, your blog is really neat. I have fun stopping by every once in a while.
Bittersweet, Reachel! But you are well suited for your new position of power. 🙂
As for me, I’m kicking a novel around in my usually graphically-minded brain. It’s tempting…
I love anthro! I just bought the blue capri volcano candle because whenever I walk in the store I am obsessed with the smell. What is the discount? I am thinking of getting a job there!
Of course I will continue with virtual shopping sessions and lookbooks here at CE.
40%, it’s kind of fabulous.
Loved your post! Did you enjoy your position as personal stylist? I am being interviewed for that kind of position!