This week we declare our fashion independence.
I believe we should dress relatable to the generation in which we reside.
I believe what you wear shouldn’t isolate you from the present.
I believe in wardrobes that follow your body type, your personal style, your heart.
I believe fashion trends should be avoided in most cases.
What fashion trend do you wish you could erase?
Feed me fashionably fresh
I would be fine with never seeing another mullet. I didn’t have one, but I have been visually wounded by plenty.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
June giveaway
I agree. No Mullets. I think hammer pants are the worst, though.
Born To Be Styled
My sister in law was always very stylish…her past photos from school are so funny to look back on. My brother said “if you just dress like my dad you will always look good” He had a picture of him from about 10 years ago wearing Kakhi shorts, a polo and birkenstocks.. simple and he still wears the same stuff today-you could not look at it and say what decade it was. Some might say boring. I say safe. That being said, I enjoy looking at fashion blogs, but I mostly come off saying “what are they wearing?-why are such ugly things in style” I would not call my self stylish (obviously from the previous comment)- but I am for sure not out of touch. I am back to the same pixie hair cut I wore in school and I generally wear a t shirt (a thin button up when feeling fancy) a skirt or cords (i hardly wear jeans) and flip flops-in varying degrees of “nice”. No style I guess. When I’m feeling fancy i’ll paint my toenails and slap on some mascara…HOwever, I don’t think I’ll look back at my photos and think “I wore that!!! What was I thinking?” I guess I’m just safe-and oh so comfortable!!! I don’t come here often- but I wonder what you would style me in? Could it all be from REI?ha ha!!