Reachel Chittenden Winter, after whom I am named. Bore 16 children, was widowed before they were out of diapers, and never raised her voice. I blush to think how I disgraced her legacy at least half a dozen times today.
Grandma Elizabeth Bischoff Wakefield majored in English and signed this photo “Lots of my best love, Elizabeth.” These two facts taken in isolation could have secured my undying honor. I covet every heirloom she ever laid a finger on, including her monogrammed silver, her art deco wedding ring, her calligraphy filled high school scrapbook, and her ballerina music box. She passed away before I was Coco’s age, and I hoard her things because I pine for the grandmother I never knew.
My own dear Mommy, Susan Elizabeth Wakefield Winters stitched her own mod wedding dress and minimalist veil with her own dainty fingers. I want to pinch her polished pretty cheeks and tell her she is going to be the best mommy ever.
What do you want your children and grandchildren to remember about you?
Oh Reachel you come from a long line of radiant, beautiful women! Happy Mom’s Day to you!
Happy Mother’s Day Reachel
Those pictures are priceless! What a fun post! I love seeing your gracious and beautiful lineage!
happy mothers day to one of the sweetest mothers I know!
That she loved, spoiled and had lots of fun with them.
Your grandmother is lovely, and you look just like her!
I want my children to remember that I love them, and that I love to be with them, and love to be their mother with all my heart.