Happy Valentine’s Day Who wants to see the lingerie I bought for my dapper Baby Boyfriend? A nursing bra review this week, Cardigan Empire certified. Coco sends her love too. Feed me fashionably fresh
Elisa says at Oh I love the Anita nursing bra they sell at Nordstrom. It is an under wire so works great for after nursing has been established. I need to go get another. I can see a lot of Andrew in your little man. How fun.
Reachel Bagley, Stylist says at Liz, Coco’s Orphan Annie address was purchased on Gilt Groupe: http://www.gilt.com/invite/reachelbagley It’s called the Instasia Button Dress by Marie Chantal. I can’t find it for sale anywhere at the moment, but you might try eBay: https://cardiganempire.com/2009/03/shopping-tool-kit-ebay-saved-searches.html Good Luck!
Yeah! I need a nursing bra review. I’m due in 6 weeks and my cup runneth over!
What gorgeous babies you have! I love their outfits.
Oh I love the Anita nursing bra they sell at Nordstrom. It is an under wire so works great for after nursing has been established. I need to go get another.
I can see a lot of Andrew in your little man. How fun.
oh lady. they are so sweet! i want to kiss their sweet cheeks!
That second photo made me laugh out loud! It’s already starting…
Coco’s dress reminds me of the movie Annie. So I like it.
Where did you get Coco’s dress? Too cute, my little one NEEDS one.
Coco’s Orphan Annie address was purchased on Gilt Groupe: http://www.gilt.com/invite/reachelbagley
It’s called the Instasia Button Dress by Marie Chantal. I can’t find it for sale anywhere at the moment, but you might try eBay: https://cardiganempire.com/2009/03/shopping-tool-kit-ebay-saved-searches.html
Good Luck!