So a momentary digression from our maternity body type series. If you have not already, please review the two maternity body types already posted, and keep your pointer click poised for the remaining two figures to come.
But last night as I was making dinner in my frilly, ditsy floral apron, dreaming about my vintage green, French Le Creuset…
Mister Andrew Thomas informed me that the little corn cob in my loins was decidedly modern. In fact, Billie of my belly prefers clean architectural lines, minimalist abstract patterns, and bold color-blocking. The fact that Billie’s father is also a modern lover, was merely coincidental. Although the genetic modern gene could indeed have been passed from father to son, but Andrew’s analysis of the situation and his adamant abstinence from Boy Frocks has nothing to do with his findings.
So I began germinating the conception of Baby Billie’s modern life, which naturally led me to shopping. Below is what I fancy:
Baby Billie reclining in his espresso wood bouncer listening to Bossa Nova Jazz as his father reads One Red Dot with him.
Then his tiny, caramel colored head would lay upon his pristine Spot on Square Roh Crib, his view of his abstract mobile unobstructed by crib bars.
Snuggled up in his geometric Denise Schmidt quilt, the lights of his George Nelson Bubble Lamps would slowly dim.
As rays of sunlight filtered through the lace of trees outside his window, he would awake only to be ushered into his contemporary high chair of European design. Upon seating, he would finger feed himself cold edamame as we prepare ourselves for a fine stroll at the museum of modern art.
It’s a lovely daydream, no? In reality, I really do want to buy this portable feeding chair from Phil & Teds, from which Baby Billie will eat multi-grain cheerios.
I’ll keep you posted.
Feed me fashionably fresh
Great selections!!! 🙂
We have that Phil & Ted chair and it is great! It works at home and in most restaurants; so handy! We actually use a traditional high chair for meals, and the clip on chair on the kitchen island for snack time and coloring. We usually kept the clip-on in the car, but barely use it anymore in restaurants (she can sit more easily in the chairs they provide now; plus most places we frequent have clean chairs we aren’t freaked out by). If I didn’t have the traditional high chair, I would have been satisfied to use the clip-on full time (just would have to wait until baby could sit up for long enough without head support)
You have great taste!! I love everything you have chosen. Modern Nesting is the way to go!!
I’m a new blog reader and felt compelled to comment because we’re talking baby products. We tried the Phil & Ted chair after a friend’s recommendation and loved it for the first 3-4 months until it developed an unpleasant, damp, musty smell from our wiping it off after meals. We tried everything to remove the offending odor, but all to no avail. I hadn’t realized that we couldn’t remove the fabric seat from the frame to fully wash the chair until after we bought it. When our next babies (twins!) came along we purchased the Inglesina Fast Table Chairs and have been over the moon with them. They’re brilliantly engineered, sturdy, and a snap to take apart and completely wash.
Best of luck with all the nesting decisions!
Your blogs are so delightful to read. I love your vocabulary selections.