A few of my favorite Gadgets and Tools of Baby Wizardry. Tell me about your “couldn’t live without-s” in the comments.
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Having borrowed a single Bob from a friend, mid-morning jogs became one of Mom & Coco’s favoritest activities. Bob’s adjustable tracking ensured we could keep a straight line, while his handy front swivel wheel allowed a turn of direction without a cessation of movement. Not wanting to leave Billie out, Mommy’s pennies are being saved and Craigslist is being scoured for a double Bob. |
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Smarty Skip Hop shuttle clips allow speedy, easy changes from shoulder to stroller (a critically important shopping features). The ample pockets provide an organized spot for all baby’s personals, and the durable, machine washable vinyl features nary a cartoon character. |
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Clean babies are more fun to snuggle. Coco shows you her pudge in the puj, in this little video review. I can’t believe how big baby daughter has gotten. |
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The Miracle Blanket is aptly named. Mr. Bagley suggests a brand change to the baby straight jacket, because it was the only swaddle from which newborn Coco could not escape. While the procurers consider clever Mr. Bagley’s highly marketable name change, all you need to know is that it keeps tiny cherubs snuggly and secure and ensures a better night sleep for everyone. |
Feed me fashionably fresh
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The double swaddle worked even better for us than the miracle blanket. Miracle was great for a while, but baby wasn’t quite the right size to fit her feet in well. Here’s a vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOnsKlluHIg
I have a double BOB stroller that I have used since my girls were 6 months old. They are almost 4, and I still love taking them out in walks/runs. I can’t sing their praises enough – the stroller is fabulous! We have used it a ton and it still looks and works great.
Great suggestions! I’m adding the Puj and the miracle blanket to my amazon baby registry right now!
I would not have a baby with out a Sling http://slinglings.com/ I love having them so close to my body they are so happy to be there and I have a free hand. Pluse it folds up so small you can put it in a back pocket, this is how I made it throught the air port with two kids! I love the Gal that sells them, a Mommy based Company always gets my dollar!
I love how you are doing all these pregnancy posts as a soon to be first time mom they have been helpful!
We have a Phil & Ted’s which is like a Bob, but not quite so pricey, and I don’t know if they make a double side-by-side. We have the single with the attachment for a 2nd seat. All my kids love sitting in either seat (ranging from 12 months to 7years) and I think it’s easier to maneuver when shopping our out in a busy place and I LOVE that I can just use it for one when I need it. I’m usually just a lurker, but I’m so happy for you and your family. Congrats! And best of luck!
Oops! I forgot the link.
I have a single BOB evolution–AMAZING.
Worth every penny.
Good luck scoring a BOB on Clist. I looked for months and months, no such luck. I finally broke down and bought one from amazon, free shipping. But REI has a sale that happens 2x year I think. I had already bought mine and of course a few weeks later the 20% off sale came, it saves you quite a bit too!
Me & my twins love ours!
I would have not been able to live without my moby wrap. It kept my second close to my heart (securely) while I could keep my hands free for my two year old. This is hands down the best baby product I have ever invested in.
I love my phil and teds vibe double stroller. The best thing ever. It is not wide, so it fits everywhere a regular jogging stroller does, and it is not a limo style. LOVE IT.
Also, LOVE my Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bags. I have the Cake backpack and the clutch. I love them both. Especially the clutch because it doubles as a regular purse for date nights. I have the gray one with yellow detailing. They both come with a diaper wipe case and a changing pad.
Oh how I love baby gear.
I am so glad to see you loved your Miracle Blanket! It’s the only swaddler I will ever use and gift. 🙂
Ditto on the Phil and Ted. I can’t rave enough about my Phil and Ted e3! It can be a single, a double, and is small enough to maneuver around store aisles. You’re not supposed to jog with it, but I do. LOVE IT. Also LOVE my Puj Tub and Puj Sling!! They are must-haves. A Bjorn carrier works great when they’re so small, but once they can hold up their head, a Puj Sling is more convenient, I think.
although i hear great things about the bob, one thing you may want to think about is that it is too large to fit through most doorways. this poses a problem when you are taking it to places such as a mall. i have the double classic baby jogger and have loved it and it fits through all doorways and it is not as pricey as the bob and has the whole wheel lock thing as well. plus a double bob is near impossible to find on craigslist
I would like to second the comments on the Phil and Ted’s stroller. I have twins and had a side-by-side stroller initially, but switched to this Phil and Ted’s model. So much more maneuverable, easier to get through doors, down shop aisles, etc. Love it.
It’s really obvious, but lots and lots and lots of burp cloths were of the utmost importance when my bubs was little. Now that he’s older they are the perfect size for him to “help” clean up messes. They’re like his own little dish-towels!
1) Miracle Blanket!
2) Ergo baby carrier.
3) Phil & Ted’s double stroller (the kind of double-decker looking one where you can take the back seat off to convert it to a single stroller).
Wow, lots of great suggestions! Among my favorite babies essentials are:
Corn Starch for diaper rash
Dr. Brown’s Bottle system
The double swaddle {I call it the double stuffed burrito}
and of course, my binky clips! I clip one to my diaper bag, one to the car seat, one near the changing table…I always need a binky close at hand!
I only have one MUST HAVE item and that’s a NAP NANNY!!! My son has reflux and an extremely sensitive tummy and this is the only thing that got him sleeping through the night. He was too big for a swing but the NAP NANNY was my saving grace. If I could afford one for every baby shower it would be my gift to everyone. It’s amazing, and worth every penny!!!
I did a post just like this a few months ago! I love all of those things. Moby wrap and miracle blanket saved my life! Happiest Baby On The Block was a great book as well. I am hoping to get a bumble ride double next time!
I have a first generation BOB and hate it (it is 9 years old). I am so glad they are better now. Be careful for looking for a used one. My parents had a friend who worked on the first design team for BOB so they got it for me as a screaming deal but it was never all that. Hard to fold, pulls to one side (no swivel), etc. I am pretty sure they worked out all the kinks and I would love a new one. I just wish I could justify getting a new one. I got a skip hop bag for my Kate (now 2). I found the clips to stroller were not worth all that. More often than not I threw the straps over the handles. Much easier on and off. Taking the time to clip/unclip wasn’t worth it.
LOVE my peanut shell sling. I still use it with Kate at 2 years old. Not as much as when she was teeny but when I don’t want to use a stroller but don’t want her running around, like a crowded event at my kid’s school, it is perfect.
I have a single BOB, and L-O-V-E it. I also have a Maclaren Techno XT stroller that we use for travel/ when we need a stroller on-the-go. It has held up very well through 2 kids. I would also recommend Britax car seats (we have a Marathon), but some of them are quite large. My other must-haves are chamois crib sheets, Boudreaux’s Butt Paste (silly name, works great), and Aveeno baby wash.
Love your blog! My babies are 21 months apart and we used and loved the Phil& Teds Sport for about 18 months. I think it would probably be great for kids even closer together because you’d get more mileage.
But although we do use it for long trips like the zoo or other long outings–or for navigating the airport–“just in case” my older one gets tired, now my daughter (almost 2) is almost too big for the back seat, and my son (almost 4) hardly rides anymore anyway, so for most trips we use a $15 umbrella stroller from Target! (they have cute ones!)
I got a Duallie Revolution at the REI spring sale a few years ago and used it for about a week before returning it–the problem wasn’t that it didn’t fit through most store doors, because it did. It even fit through the front door of our tiny apartment. The problem that it was SO much heavier than the Phil&Teds–much harder to pack up in my trunk.
For either the P&T or the BOB, if you get it used on CL or at a deep discount like at REI, you’ll be able to re-sell easily when you’re done, so it’s totally worth the money, in my opinion.
Have fun with your two babies, it really sounds like a dream! Maybe a little bit exhausting at times 🙂 but more fun and love than anything else.
Just re-read my comment. I bought a BOB a year ago, not a few years ago. My daughter wasn’t born a few years ago, so it had to have been spring 2009. Mom-brain!
Wow! That Puj is cool! Wish I’d had that last year. I can’t live without my Bumbo chairs. They are PRICELESS! And my BabyHawk (www.babyhawk.com) is way cuter than those wrap-a-million-times-around-the-mom slings.
The book Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child saved my life.
Oh.. and my Honda Odyssey!! The twins hit when my first was only 17 months old and let me just say, my Odyssey is my best friend!
I love how you are doing all these pregnancy posts as a soon to be first time mom they have been helpful!