Take the lady in the ad covering her face. An open Bertha collar with Princess Seaming would be a better balm than the proposed snake oil. Madame Ad has a killer waist, this ample hourglass. We just need to get her out of the chin multiplying Edwardian turtle neck and give her visage some breathing room. We could soften her bun a bit, and select a fresher color than black. With her head held high, she’d eat a little more prudently, take a few more brisk walks, eventually we’d see her spinning on her Victorian bicycle.
But our generation is sophisticated, we don’t fall for snake oil. Instead we drink maple syrup with lemon juice and cayenne pepper to lose a stone in a fortnight.
Resolve instead to dress well in your present state, an argument follows in five parts:
part 1. Weight loss is a process. It ensues gradually. Patience and preparation will allow you to enjoy the journey. At any time you should have two pairs of pants, a skirt or dress, and four tops that fit and flatter you. Luckily most of us gain weight in a particular region (sorry dear hourglass). For a lower figure you may only have to shuffle through pant sizes while your tops remain stationary. When selecting an interim wardrobe, it doesn’t have to be expensive or even new, since it may only see a season of wear, but each item has to elicit a smiling countenance.
part 2. Weight loss may be unnecessary. The problem may not be excess person, it may simply be insufficient cloth. Clothed in the proper uniform, you’ll be better equipped to make evaluative decisions.
part 3. Different Sizes offer different opportunities. In the loss of baby weight, the tummy may be squishy but the bosom is also buxom. Adore your new adornments be it a curvy hip or a plump, rosy cheek.
part 4. Clothing is an indicator: If you’re wearing elastic waist band pants or squeezing your thighs into sausage casings, you’re not listening to your clothes. Clothing can communicate, but many misinterpret the messages. When a pair of pants buttons a tad tight, it does not mean you are a degenerate unworthy of sunshine. It only means, maybe four cookies is too many. Use clothing as an indicator to make minor adjustments.
part 5. You deserve to feel beautiful now. You deserve to feel beautiful everyday of your life. Beauty isn’t measured in dress sizes or pounds on a scale. Find beauty in yourself today.
two people that i tend to listen to, stacey london and clinton kelly, have been saying for years, dress the body you have NOW. it will improve your self image, thus leading you to desire to change, if you indeed need to.
i agree totally. it’s the dressing of this body that i need help with though….so that is why i pop in here:0)
I love this post. I always tend to shop for when I lose a “few” pounds and get down to my “proper” weight. Therefore, I usually have ill fitting clothes waiting for me to slender down a bit. I love the concept of dressing for today to better enjoy today.
Because I never need to fit into 00 jeans! It’s been much more fun dressing this body.
Thank you Cardigan Empire – it needed to be said 🙂
As someone who lost a lot of weight I have to agree. I started dressing nicer and liking the me I was, and then gradually I was ready to lose the weight. And I lost a lot!
My favorite part of this post “You deserve to feel beautiful now”!!!
I have gotten rid of the pillow case pants and am happy with the few outfits I feel comfortable with. The leg is getting better as is grandma. I am planning my wardrobe for newport.
Amen! Thanks for the pep-talk. I knew this, but needed a refresher course to get me out of my postpartum-nothing-fits slump!
Your statement about an hourglass figure shuffling through pants while tops remain stationary made me chuckle heartily. So true, so true. Grey dress pants alone? 3 sizes – I like to call them “Summer,””Winter,”and “On the Way” (either direction). I like how I look in all of them.
Happy New Year!
thank you.
i needed to hear this today. 🙂
L-O-V-E this post.
That said, will you forgive me for buying a new work suit one size smaller that I should have with the intention of losing five pounds ASAP?
I need to hear this like – everyday….
I have such an issue with this topic.
I never want to spend the money dressing a body that I’m unsatisfied with… because… you know… I’m going to lose all the weight tomorrow.
And as the dreaded apple shape – nothing in particular makes me feel like I look fantastic… but I need to go buy new clothes – like yesterday. 🙂
Re: number 4 Not all fat people over eat, and not all fat people are hiding from something. If there were more clothes in larger sizes that flatter larger body types. Many large people wear what is available to them and that is ill fitting clothes that either pinch, bulge, etc. Re:5, Awesome!
Well said, and I totally agree with all of your rules. I’m an apple whose always waiting until I turn into something else, but when I lose weight I’m still an apple, just a smaller one. I’m learning to dress the apple no matter what the size. Thank you!
Anne-What you said is true. Many people have naturally fuller figures and I think we should celebrate the diversity. In addition, I think we need a post on full figured dressing and wear to purchase said supplies. Coming, I promise.
Lovely post! #3 and #5 especially. If only more thoughts along these lines were published in magazines a lot of women might like themselves a lot more.
I freaking love you and this blog.
I love your blog. Unfortunately #3 is a little discouraging. It seems only the size A/B’c are excited about pregnancy induced buxom bosom’s. It is all I hear/read. At least you get bigger breasts! Well, since I started as a DD this means no running, pain every day, fitting horribly in all maternity clothes (designed to flatter the B turned C cups) Who makes maternity tops to flatter the size 8, medium, DDD woman. Noone. I enjoy your section on maternity dressing, maybe you could do one on dressing a large-chested pregnant woman. Thanks Reachel! Keep up the good work. B
Yay – I have been WAITING for the full-figured post!! As a very ample hourglass, I need help not only in choosing pieces, but in figuring out where to go (besides the cheap L@ne Bryant-style place). I’m looking forward to it!
I am soooo glad I read this post of your! This is great i needed the motivation you have encouraged to deal with what I have now and don’t wait, Until, until, until!! Thanks you so much and keep those wonderful posts coming!!!
Your great!
Holly 🙂