One would imagine a Venetian to check off a prodigious amount of to-do’s during their diurnal 5,832 hours. Unfortunately every earthling is allotted only 24.
Worse yet many earthlings spend all twenty-four of those precious hours in ensembles they find distasteful in an effort to horde time.
Following in three parts is a proposal for time beautifully spent:
part 1. What you wear effects how you behave. Clothing is not who you are. It is only a superficial shroud. However it is an abundant allotment of what you represent yourself to be. So when you make the decision to stay in your sleepers to squirrel a bucket of seconds or purchase a clearance top two sizes too big to skimp three minutes from a dressing room, you are presenting yourself as unworthy of fair representation. This decision effects not only how others view you, but also how you view yourself. When you see yourself as unworthy of a stain-free top, what else are you categorizing yourself as unworthy of?
part 2. Wise initial investments reap long term time savings. One must deposit time in the fitting room, determining fit and flattery. One must imbue time cleaning and trimming the closet. But with an efficient wardrobe, one’s time is unshackled. Time is saved not taking things on and off due to ill fit or disrepair; time is saved not sobbing in the closet corner with nothing to wear.
part 3. Don’t waste your time feeling unattractive. Don’t fritter your future pulling your blouse hem down or hiking your waistband up. No apologies, no procrastination. Dress your best for each precious hour you are given, be your own Aphrodite. Show those Venetians what chic time management is.
I love your blog. I’d love it if you’d post about dressing well on a budget some day. At this point in my life I can’t afford anything in anthro, but want to look stylish and cute anyway!
Love it! So true.
I am a big believer in this! If I waited around for the “perfect” occasion to wear my favorite clothes, I would never get to wear them, since most of my time is spent at home taking care of messy children. I am going to wear what I want now and feel pretty, even if all I am doing is laundry. 🙂
Ooo, i like this post.
Recipe Share, love your idea. I should dress better on the weekends, but I’m at the dog park, running errands, etc. and don’t want to wear anything too “nice”. Need some good ideas for that. Kahkis are comfortable, but then they show the dirt!! Yikes.
Couldn’t agree more! You have such a way with words…..
You know what Daryl used to say – Build your foundation at the beginning of the day. That goes for you too.