Weardrobe.com may be a solution. One can use this resource for assembling new looks. When you are successfully frocked, you can then pay it forward by posting images of your own elegance.
And every week they offer a contest, this week it’s the Best Night Out look. So get spiffed up this weekend and win a $50 gift certificate.Feed me fashionably fresh
Hooray for a Special Day! 🙂
Weardrobe is real life inspiration for everyday women! (vs. fashion magazines contrived- who really wears this stuff? or can even afford it???)
Also, all of the weardrobe members are very lovely, friendly and always full of sincere compliments!
I love Weardrobe! It lets you see all your outfits that includes a specific item of clothing. It’s very helpful in reinveinting your wardrobe.