Triceps, knees, decolletage, ankles … whatever your shy body part, Cardigan Empire will be teaching you how to prettily conceal it. There will be reviews, there will be giveaways, there will be an alluring lack of skin.
Come back for a daily dose of this Cardigan Empire Exclusive.
Feed me fashionably fresh
I can’t wait!
By the way, my verification word is demure. Coincidence? I think not.
How about my gut? That’s my shy area. haha
yes please. show us how to hide our bellies tastefully.
Bellies can be particularly bashful, we will make sure to include their coverage.
Thank you for personifying how modesty is beautiful and fashionable. 🙂
I will be checking back- I was facing this dilemma tonight! I just wanted to validate your decision on doing this type of tutorial, not that you need my validation, but women need this kind of help/support! Thank you much.