Once upon a time there was a handsome knight named Jason Gibaud & a beautiful maid called Michelle Fallon. Love and marriage ensued as well as magical amounts of costume design for theatre and movies like: Mouline Rouge, Star Wars, and Peter Pan.
As they loved and sewed they had two lovely little children: Vevette & Esther. And soon the delights of Paper Wings was born too.
They wanted to celebrate the freedom of being children, looking like children, and most importantly feeling like children.
Something that could be worn everyday, loved, and worn out before it was grown out.

“So if you were a costume designer for childhood, what would it look and feel like?”
Let us know in the comments.
Feed me fashionably fresh
I am inspired by elves and gnomes. My costume designs would most definitely include bright colors, stripes and all things whimsical. Elves wear polka dots, right? I think so.
Sky colors. The magical flavor of early evening when the sunlight washes the color from everything, but when you turn around, all colors, especially blues & greens, glow in golden light. That feeling, as well as that of a warm summer evening when your parents let you play outside until it seems even the fireflies have gone to bed & the moon is the only source of light — when there is too much life in you to go to bed — that’s the feeling that all children should have with their clothes, even the ones that aren’t for dress up.
I think I would be inspired by children’s literature such as: Alice and Wonderland, the Secret Garden, Peter Pan and even Little Women. Magical and imaginative. Lots of detail, but nothing too loud and definitely no characters.