Well officially birth”day” celebrations start tomorrow, but birth”week” celebrations could have initiated as early as last Saturday. Therefore, I believe this excessively extravagant imaginary birthday gift is aptly timed. Now although Mr. Bagley enjoys his livelihood, we are yet to hire a decent butler or fill the pool with Evian. With ridiculous wealth still fated on the horizon, this gift is only imaginary. But as long as we are enjoying imaginary birthday celebrations, let’s truly enjoy it.
This is your laser cut armoire. I would like to see it in your bedroom. You can fill it with your minimalist television for secret movie night with Christian. You can also store a little hard back CS Lewis and George Eliot in it. A secret stash of dark chocolate and some secret love notes wouldn’t be misplaced there either. (Please tie the written correspondence in little bundles with twine).
After we have moved the essentials into your armoire we will eat those Silhouette cookies I told you about. Except we’d put lots of buttercream frosting on ours. Drinking tiny, intricately designed cups of lemon chamoile tea, we would discuss recent Ensign articles, our visiting teachers, and fresh vegetarian recipes.
Love you Steph.
What would you ladies like to give Stephanie? Post it in the comments for her virtual birthday celebration.
Happy birthday Nie. For the brilliant virtual celebration I would like you to have this darling field & forest hat for the days sunny summer days spent riding your cruiser or relaxing with the family.
I hope you have a spledid birthday Mrs. Neilson! Much love to you and your family!
Happy Birthday Ms. Nielson! For such a treat a day as this, I come bearing this delightful cupcake terrarium – I hope it satisfies both your childlike wonder as well as your exquisite taste for little details… 😉
I love you so much 🙂
Dear Nie,
I too will be celebrating my day of birth tomorrow. I will just wish you a splendid day full of family, friends, and of course cupcakes. (For that is what I will be enjoying as well.) I am pleased to share the day with an inspiration like you.
A truckload of the finest chocolate cake, and a pretty basket for the cruiser. Happy day, Nie.
You are the sweetest friend! I would give Stephanie a money-is-no-object shopping spree with her favorite personal shopper and friend. Most likely at Anthropologie, of course.
Happy happy birthday, Stephanie. We all love you!
In honor of your love of yoga and Reachel’s recent trip, I would recommend a yoga retreat while floating on a lake in Thailand: http://www.jungleyoga.com/index.html
Happy Birthday Mrs. Nielson!!!
I wish Mrs. Nielson a day free of pain. I love her so.
I would love to package up the sweetest bit of confidence and the knowledge that in seeing her eyes one can tell that she is indeed inside and out, very, very lovely indeed.
Happy birthday, Nie!! For your special day, I would like to give you:
-a truckload of balloons
-a bouquet of daisies
-lots and lots of cupcakes
-a mirror that shows how beautiful you are to all of us
-a day free of pain
-your own genie to grant you three wishes
Happy, happy birthday, Nie Nie. My family and I send you wishes for love, happiness, and joy on your special day.
Happy Birthday NieNie! I think you already know that you have more than most, faith in God, a lovely family and the most positive outlook.
I would like to give you a time machine, to take away the hurt from your beautiful green eyes.
Love and prayers everyday,
I would like to give Nie a very late birthday present but a present none the less….
I would like to give her a fancy floral skirt and some cute red shoes so that she could have a new outfit to show her Christian.
I have that gorgeous armoire and I appreciate it every day! It was a gift to myself after a stressful year.