I will be hosted by my native state this week Wednesday, July 1st through Saturday, July 5th.
If you reside in the home of the Great Salt Lake and long for a face to face, tete-a-tete styling session, please contact me at [email protected] to schedule either a mini or full appointment.
Feed me fashionably fresh
Any chance you’ll ever get to Boise?
More importantly…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I second the motion – Boise would love to have you! In fact, you need a touring agent and engagements in all 50 states. Just put Idaho on your list first!
ditto–Happy Bday! I didn’t know if you were going public with it, but Richard pretty much took care of that, didn’t he.
Wooooo!! Can I TRIPLE the Boise motion? Consider yourself warned though – I’m quite the project.
Here’s another vote for Boise!!! We’ll make it worth the drive!!