This good looking specimen of andrology belongs to me. His name is Emperor Andy, and his excellency has proposed the following group of questions for our discussion on Cardigan Empire today:
- What is your favorite thing to hear from your husband/boyfriend regarding your outfit?
- How do you know if he like it?
- How do you know if he hates it?
- How important is it for you to dress the way he likes?
Feed me fashionably fresh
Great questions.
I want my Husband to like what I wear, but I think I have better style than he does, so I usually dress for myself and hope he likes it.
If he makes some strange not-quite-a-compliment comment about an outfit I know he hates it.
If I ask him how I look he says “you look fine”. All the time, not matter what.
The usual way I know he liked an outfit is if he says something about it later. You know, LATER. Like he couldn’t wait to…blah blah blah…something about the dress.
If not for that I think all my dresses look the same to him. Which is good, because he thinks I have 5 rather than 25, and I can slip new ones into the rotation without him noticing.
Except for, you know, later.
Still, I would really like it if he’d just give me a squeeze and say “You look great!” as we left the house.
My husband influences my wardrobe more than anyone else. I’ve become much more stylish since marrying him. He will usually tell me if something doesn’t work – – unless he senses that I’m emotionally attached to the outfit in which case he’ll tell me I look fabulous ๐ Too bad he can’t ALWAYS come shopping with me.
What is your favorite thing to hear from your husband/boyfriend regarding your outfit?
That looks hot on you–it brings out your… I like specific feedback, I hate “yeah it looks fine”
How do you know if he like it?
The way his eyes open and look me up and down and if repeats how good I look.
How do you know if he hates it?
He doesn’t comment or says blah or its just OK
How important is for you to dress the way he likes?
pretty important I like compliments and I know his are sincere.
It is very important to me that I dress to please my husband. Truly, other than my own his opinion is most important.
I love that my husband is honest when he does not like something.
It makes me giggle like a schoolgirl when he does. ๐
I love it when he simply says, “You look beautiful.” That’s my best clue that he likes what I’m wearing. I know if he hates something I’m wearing if, when I ask what he thinks, he pauses. The pause says it all…
It is important to me to dress in a way he likes. I think I represent him (and our family) when I’m in public, so I want to do that well.
* What is your favorite thing to hear from your husband/boyfriend regarding your outfit?
It really pleases me when he says “you’re looking cute today!” or something along those lines. Sounds kind of silly I suppose. Maybe since I am 46 it makes me feel young. ๐
* How do you know if he like it?
If he makes a positive comment I know he likes it however, no comment doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like it!
* How do you know if he hates it?
He will (nicely) tell me. ๐
* How important is for you to dress the way he likes?
Very. However, as another commented posted, I think I have a little better style than he does, so I do take that into consideration.
How I dress is not the most important thing that I can do to please him. He, of course, likes it when I look good, but he would rather have me just be with him, and have old clothes on than be really stylish but doing my own thing.
If your father comments on my clothes, you know he likes it. Papa is not one to give lots of compliments so when he tells me that an outfit looks good it makes my day. I appreciate that he doesn’t say I’ve put on a few pounds or any of those things, but he will tell me if something looks nice or makes me look thin. I think Emperor Andy would be more verbal than you Dad. I do try to dress nice when we go out for our date night and I think he notices. Love you, Mom
Favorite thing to hear?
“You are looking great!”
Like it?
Hate it?
“It looks good but is that how it is supposed to fit?”
His opinion important?
Oh yeah, I love dressing up for my husband!
My husband never says good or bad comments about what I wear, so I just dress for my own opinion. I do want to look nice for him, but his lack of feedback makes it extremely challenging.
Loved reading the other responses!
-What is your favorite thing to hear regarding your outfit?
“That fits you perfectly”
-How do you know if he like it?
His eyes speak volumes.
-How do you know if he hates it?
He’ll say it doesn’t do my body justice.
-How important is for you to dress the way he likes?
It’s second only to feeling comfortable in it. Not sweats comfortable, but comfortable as in I don’t have a slip hanging out, or too low cut of blouse, or too short of skirt.
I like to hear: “You have hot-butt today!” Next fave: “you look so cute!” (and then I get a hug)
I know ’cause he’ll comment. If he doesn’t notice what I’m wearing or how I look, I know it’s not a head-turner.
I actually have no idea if/when he hates what I’m wearing.
I like to feel pretty in his eyes, so yes – I dress for my man. That said, I still wear what I want. He doesn’t shop for me. He shops WITH me. ๐
What is your favorite thing to hear from your husband/boyfriend regarding your outfit?
“Oh! You look great!” or “HOW cute!”
How do you know if he like it?
If he says the above; I prefer his honest opinion and when I ask he tells me straight up.
How do you know if he hates it?
Usually if I express doubt about a combination and he agrees he’ll say, “Yeah, I don’t love that” or something like that. I have a pair of dress pants that he HATES because he says they don’t flatter me. And he says, “I hate those pants!” It’s always the pants’ fault and not mine which I love ๐
How important is for you to dress the way he likes? It is important to me, because I want him to like what he sees. I do wear some things for myself, though so I guess there is a balance there. He thinks I’m beautiful and tells me so.
What is my favorite thing to hear? First off if he notices anything right away; it can’t be like 5 minutes after he sees me. It’s all in that first look…no words are necessary.
If he hates it? he usually says something like…”is that how you are suppose to wear it?” or “is that really in style”. I don’t suggest any man to say these things if you want your wife to be in a good mood.
it is important for me to dress the way my husband likes, but ultimately I dress for myself.
I know my husband really likes something if he tells me it looks nice. He is pretty honest about things and I like that. I remember that he is commenting on his opinion of the clothing and not me. He doesn’t say a lot of negative tho. I love to dress for him.
“You look really good.” Somehow the really, makes me think he really means it. Or he really noticed.
I love to dress up for Jeff, but I wish I could inspire him to do the same. His current out on the town look is usually a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
My husband is usually very complimentary and so when he doesn’t say anything I know that he doesn’t like it. I like to get dressed up for him even if it only on our date nights! ๐ He is a simple guy so I could impress him in jeans and a T shirt and he would be happy!
Excellent questions, Emperor Andy.
I know my hubby likes what I’m wearing because he tells me I’m beautiful. Then he wolf-whistles.
I know he likes it because his eyes sparkle when he looks at me.
I know he doesn’t like it because he tries not to look in my eyes.
It’s somewhat important for me to dress how he likes, but we are both happiest when I dress to please myself. He likes me happy and sassy, as he says. ๐
1. I love it when my husband gives me the scroll-up-and-down look and somewhere along the way, a big, fat smile shows up on his face. Then, he looks me in the eye and tells me that I look beautiful/great/nice/pretty, etc.
2. My husband is the most honest person I know. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll say so.
3. See above.
4. I do take his likes/tastes into consideration sometimes, especially if we’re going out or doing something nice. I’ll usually ask if he has a preference, or I put something on I know he really likes. I don’t let him rule my wardrobe choice too much, though. While he has good taste in clothes and a good sense of fashion, if I feel fat or not good in an outfit but he likes it, I’m not wearing it. Or if I put on two colors he doesn’t think work together but I think I’m rockin’, I’m wearing it.
If my boyfriend likes it he will usually compliment me (but sometimes he has to be prompted).
I’m impressed — I thought a bunch of (presumably) Mormon women would be more direct about dressing for the sole purpose of looking good for their man/master.
•What is your favorite thing to hear from your husband/boyfriend regarding your outfit? You look cute today, I like that shirt (skirt/dress/shoes.. whatever I can get ๐
•How do you know if he like it? if he REALLY likes it, he compliments it.
•How do you know if he hates it? He’ll say, that’s an interesting outfit.. ha
•How important is for you to dress the way he likes?I obviously love him to like the way I look, but he does lack in the fashion department, so what he may not like, might be “in” right now.. and so I think “better luck tomorrow, I guess”
•What is your favorite thing to hear from your husband/boyfriend regarding your outfit? Anything at all to indicate he has noticed my efforts and feels positively about the outcome. This is not one of his strong suits.
•How do you know if he like it? He’ll say “you look cute.”
•How do you know if he hates it? I don’t think he’s ever hated anything – or if he has, he has not said so.
•How important is for you to dress the way he likes? I do want him to think I look good, but I dress mostly for ME to feel good about how I look.