We interrupt your regularly scheduled Fitting Room Friday with an important announcement. Stephanie Nielson is returning to her blog today. If you want to learn something about fashion, life, and miracles, click on over. Then come back here and post a link to your favorite Nie fashion in the comments.
Feed me fashionably fresh
I found your blog through Nie and CJane. I love your style. Cardigans are my very favorite. I’ve been reading your First Lady posts religiously – and I cracked up with your post “Michelle Obama is a Pear”
I’ll be back to check up on you more – but I just decided to come out of the lurking shadows and say how excited I am that Nie is returning today too. This whole story has been such a miracle and a true life lesson for me. I’ve been changed for the better – and I know you played a huge role in the Nie family’s support system. THANK YOU!
Cardigans rock!
I adore Mie’s slightly vintage style. Her fishnets with peep toe pumps are a favorite only to be outdone with her fabulous Easter cloche hat.
I was inspired to clean out my closet and documented that emotional journey on my blog today.
There is a shout out to the Cardigan Empire so stop by if you have a moment.
I’ve always loved her red lipstick. It’s something I’ve always wanted to wear but have never felt brave/comfortable/cool enough to wear it. And that brings up another thing that I love about her, her confidence. It seems to go hand in hand with great style.
There were many squeals coming from the kitchen table this morning when I saw Nie had returned. Her story is truly inspiring.
As I browsed through past Nie blogs, I noticed, much to my delight, I own many of the same skirts Nie does. What can I say? This lady has style! Nie has inspired me in many ways, but the most simple is the red lipstick. I wear it proudly now.
How about Jane and Claire? 😉
Oh you can definitely include the young Miss Nielsons.
it is her confidence that i find most admirable. she really is an inspiration and i am so glad she’s back!
Hi Reachel — I don’t know if you remember me, but I am in your sisters’ and mom’s ward. I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and I put your button on my blog so people can come over and see how cute it is over here.
Thanks and have a great day!
I love Nie’s love of red. I’ve always thought red is the just perfect (not-)neutral. Really, what outfit can’t be made better by a splash of red? And so, when I saw these pictures, I was just bonkers for her dress:http://bp1.blogger.com/_mJljZYHPA0Q/SIVzF0uLLEI/AAAAAAAAFWI/aaINUYGbmp0/s1600-h/DSC_7193.jpg
And, hey – Claire and Jane, too! I just picked up sewing a year ago, and these fabrics remind me of a couple of my favorites: Anna Maria Horner and Heather Bailey. Vibrant. Happy. Saturated colors.
I hope Nie gets back into some red lips and red clothes soon if she hasn’t already. I’m so glad she’s back and healing.
I’m so excited to see Nie blogging again! I love the red dress she wore for the family photos taken soon before the accident. http://nieniedialogues.blogspot.com/2008/10/re-posted-i-love-my-life.html
What a wonderful, wimsy print and fabulous fit and color. And with her red lipstick and black hair, it’s just perfect. And it’s very Nie.
Those lips and cheeks of hers are pretty awesome! I love the red lipstick and my favorite dress is the red and white one in their family pics. It is amazing that she is posting again.
My favorite has always been the red and white dress from the family pictures…I wish I knew where she got it! Reachel, I love your blog! I have learned so much from reading it.
I too love the red and white dress. But I am also a fan of Nie’s outerwear: the red wedding shawl, the green velvet blazer in NJ, the pink winter coat with the ruffle at the hem. Oh, and the shoes and the aprons. Should I stop now?
My favorite things are her earrings, they are great, and the aprons. I have started wearing them in the kitchen so as I bake and cook, I say a prayer for Nie… Just a little way to remember 😉
Stephanie’s aprons–love them! Love her even more.
I have always been a fan of the spunky, short haircut she sported in earlier dialogues. It revealed her zest for life and a graceful, long neck.
I love all of her clothes, and most of all, the way she wears them with confidence & grace.
one of my favorite outfits was when Nie and Christian went to CA and she was standing outside the restaurant with Jane. She had on a red and white stripped shirt and a different patterned skirt. I love the mix. i wish i could be that brave with my patterns. I’m just not sure how….