Place: Blissful Living Studio 166 W Main Street in Mesa, Arizona, United States of America, Milky Way Galaxy
Date: Tuesday, January Twentieth, Two Thousand & Nine
Time: 7 O’clock to Half Past 8 O’clock Post Meridem
Register: via sound transmitted telecommunications device (480.733.5558) or via electronic transmission of binary data packets
Class Description: New Year, New Wardrobe
Nothing should exist in your closet if it doesn’t deliver a 10 in the fashion formula. Learn when it’s time to fire clothing from your wardrobe. Get straight forward advice on how to purge and simplify our closet. Then learn to calculate whether or not to buy an item. Hint – the cheapest option, doesn’t always offer the best value. Take the guesswork out of how to shop, what to shop for, where to shop (stores and online), and how much money to spend.
Walk away with tactical strategies and notes for your fashion look book.
Can we actually come down to the studio as well? How much?
Any chance you might someday offer this for download and purchase? I’m about a kajillion miles away from anything that even closely resembles a Blissful Living Studio…but I do think this sort of information would be handy to have 🙂
Dang Reachel, could you please video the event and webcast it, or post it on YouTube, or something? That sounds like a workshop that I really, really need – but I won’t be anywhere near your portion of the Milky Way Galaxy that evening…
twin2trip: Anyone is welcome to join the class. The cost is $30/person + an option $10 for a blank look book and a cheat sheet on closet cleaning and shopping strategies.