Were it at all feasible, I would compose a handwritten thank you card for you. Artfully penned on linen paper and protected with vellum. I, your note, and an exquisite pastry would arrive at your door step for a tète-à-tète regarding the repercussions of your philanthropy.
But as my powers over time and space are sadly inadequate, I posted rote congratulatory announcements on each of the latte-versary gifts. If you listed your e-mail address, I sent you a paypal invoice. If your e-mail contact was unavailable, please contact me at [email protected] at your earliest convenience. If you respond with payment by 10 am, Friday, December 19th, I will ship your treasure priority for Christmas arrival.
Thank you for exhibiting goodness, niceness, wonderfulness. I wish you an emotionally decadent holiday and the prettiest of Christmas frocks.
Now please, go get yourself an edible pleasure, preferably with a seasonally appropriate twist, and come back later for Fitting Room Friday.
wow, that is a really pretty cupcake. 🙂
Yeah~ where’d that cupcake come from?
Yay! I am so happy to have won the gorgeous mugs! C&S are the same initials of me and my lovely hubby.
Sending prayers and best wishes to Nie Nie, Christian, and their lovely family.