I recommend this selection with some misgivings. The tips are sound and the theory is legitimate, but Fräulein Krupp
violates Cardigan Empire Code.
Let’s imagine a canonical closer alignment, shall we? First a retitling, “How Not to Look Irrelevant”. For age is NOT a negative attribute.
Someday I hope to have an undeniably modern cut of entirely white and silver hair. I enjoy the smile lines around my eyes, and although I could do without the worry lines between my eyebrows, it’s a visual teacher.
And are the labels young and hip truly complimentary? They seem so trifling and transitory. Being fresh and relevant, ensures you are connecting with the present. Living until you die, consistently changing, learning, and evolving.
So now you can enjoy this book with a CE disclaimer. I do own it, it is useful. Keep the supporting tactics, loose the underlying thesis.
this was my favorite of your reviews! When I grow up, I want to be an old woman too.
Reachel- Here is a question i would love to see addressed regarding accessories. I love to wear bracelets, but I have to have a watch on- I can’t go without. Can I wear both?
I’m a big fan of this post. Wonderfully put!
You are so wise my dear. I love this review as well!
Only those of us who have reached middle/old age can really appreciate a book like this. It easy to think that growing old is easy – until you are there and wondering how to make a graceful transition into “Act Two” of ones life. Having a guide like this is a welcomed friend to share the journey with.
I love to wear bracelets,
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